Welcome to the new ODAReform.org website.
Please do take some time to look around the different sections, including a recounting of the history of the campaign to date, and an exposition of the issues on which the Development Assistance Committee of the OECD is deliberately and systematically overcounting Official Development Assistance.
Don’t miss the section on why all this really matters: for taxpayers in donor countries, who are being misled; and for the global south, where developing countries are having their overall aid cut by stealth, and being forced to pay for the effects of a global warming they did not cause while donors claim credit for aid that they have not given.
The site also offers articles from three guest writers: Hedwig Riegler (on the Governance of ODA Accounting), Simon Scott (on Abolishing Concessionality and Statistical No-Nos) and John Speedy (who offers a Modest Proposal on how the UK Government could benefit from the ODA overcounting rules). All these can be found in the “What’s New” section of the site, and we hope to include more “guest papers” as we move forward.
A lot of work has gone into creating this website, and I want to thank Hedwig and Simon for their collaboration and support – their expertise and contribution has been invaluable. I also thank David Harper of Curious Fish who has helped with all the technical aspects of setting up the site.
We do hope that you find this site interesting and informative and want to hear from you: we are open to criticisms, ideas, comments and suggestions. Please use the Contact link or just drop me an email at ODAReform@icloud.com.
Steve Cutts